
2007 OISTAT Publication & Communication Commission Meeting Minutes

Sep 14, 2007

Bohemia Bagel; Prague, Czech Republic, 
17 June 2007

Download the Minutes
Download the Report for 2007 Congress

Delegates Attending:
John Faulkner, UK,PCC
Rolando M deLeon, Philippines, PCC alternate
Jerôme Maeckelbergh, Belgium, PCC alternate; Head, PCC Web Working Group
Bobbi Owen, USA, PCC (Recording Secretary)
Erik de Ruijter, Netherlands, PCC (Chair)
Irena  Šentevska, Serbia, PCC (Vice-Chair)
Iván Szabó-Jilek, Hungary, PCC

Guests Attending:
John Mayberry, Canada, OISTAT Technology Commission
David Rodger, USA, Editor, TD&T
Rosane Munoz, Brazil
José Henrique Moreira, Brazil
Luciana Bueno, Brazil

The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Erik de Ruijter, commission chair.  After introductions, he announced that due to family circumstances, he would not continue as chair after the meeting.  The entire commission expressed regret at the announcement and hope that he would return quickly, both to the PCC and leadership of it.  Jerôme Maeckelbergh proposed, and Bobbi Owen seconded, that Irena Šentevska, Vice-Chair, be elected Interim Chair.  The resolution passed unanimously.

The agenda consisted of discussion in the following major areas, focused primarily on possibilities of collaboration between PCC and other OISTAT commissions and projects:
I.  Initiatives on collaboration between PCC and Technology Commission

John Mayberry (Canada) raised following initiatives on behalf of the Technology Commission and Mr Ivo Kersmaekers, its chair for consideration:

1.    Oral Histories.  There is general interest in oral histories of theatre technicians and theatre experts in various fields. Holland has been collecting some, and other places, and there is considerable interest in publishing them. ABTT (Great Britain) has been making audio recordings and USITT (USA) has been pursuing similar efforts.  General interest was expressed in documenting the past and present technological development through oral histories and sharing them with other countries. The commission agreed to promote this idea and collaborate with the Technical Commission. John Mayberry will be the liaison.

2.    Technical Solutions Showcase. Technology Commission would be interested in promoting, together with the PCC, new and innovative theatre-related technical solutions, perhaps in a form of an international competition. Erik de Ruijter introduced the topic of forming a working group, in collaboration with the Technology Commission, to collect technical solutions, generally simple ones, for staging purposes.  These solutions (construction techniques; industrial production; etc.) could be from any area applied to theatre uses. He is interested in publicizing (and perhaps publishing) information about technical gizmos internationally and perhaps award annual prizes. De Ruijter will support this effort through his on-going work as editor of his publication in Holland.

3.    Equipment History. Both John Mayberry and Erik de Ruijter expressed interest in publishing information about the history of stage equipment, and commission agreed to promote these efforts with all the means available.

II.  Interactions between the PCC and other commissions within OISTAT  
Irena  Šentevska suggested pursuing discussions with other commissions, especially Education and History & Theory, concerning how the PCC might be of service to them (and to the OISTAT membership and audience of the PQ in general).  She will take the lead in pursuing the following ideas all of which were enthusiastically received and discussed:

1.    Website:  Can the OISTAT website be made more useful in addition to its more general informational purpose?  As a joint initiative between PCC, Education, and History & Theory Commissions perhaps it would be possible to develop a web page within OISTAT containing recommended references, such as a reading list organized according to language.  It would be targeted to international scholars, researchers, teachers and publishers and would potentially increase visits to the OISTAT website. At a later phase, this link could expand into an OISTAT RESOURCE CENTRE or OISTAT VIRTUAL LIBRARY containing also information and useful links on theatre design & technology related:
•    magazines
•    book publishers
•    multimedia publishing
•    web forums etc.

Rolando M. de Leon (Philippines) inquired if it would be possible for the OISTAT server to hosts websites for OISTAT centers.  His question was referred to Jerôme Maeckelbergh and the Web Working Group to pursue with the Secretariat in Taiwan.

2.    Electronic forums:  Could OISTAT host forums (circular newsletters) in areas including technology, design, and history so researchers could share information with each other?  This question was referred to Jerôme Maeckelbergh and the Web Working Group to pursue with the Secretariat in Taiwan.

3.    Publications:  Many OISTAT Centres and organizations publish journals and magazines.  Would it be possible to provide links to them, and perhaps even publish a general theatre magazine through OISTAT? (see Website).

4.    Multimedia publishing exhibition/fair:  Could the next PQ include an international publishing exposition?  In addition to the PQ Bookstore, would it be possible to have a multimedia publishing exhibition/fair at which publishers and organizations could display books and electronic publishing materials that could be purchased and shipped, for a fee, directly to the buyer’s home?  This might make more publications available than the limited capacity in the PQ Bookstore to the international community and provide unique insight into the global publishing scene, not available at other professional events due to the unique profile of the PQ. OISTAT and PQ might be able to charge a small commission for each publication sold and make some much-needed revenue. The book fair would be an enormous benefit to all attendees and would be a project of the PCC. In the organizational framework of the PQ it could incorporate a full schedule of publication-related events: book launches, book signings, presentations, lectures, internet chat-room, a bar etc. (similar to what PQ has done in Prague with the book brunches). Content-wise it might expand PQ programming also with presentations related to graphic design and visual communications in theatre and stage events (theatre PR and advertising strategies, in other words).
It might be possible to try this in Sweden at the Architecture meeting in June 2008, or perhaps at WSD in Korea in 2009, or possibly at Showtech in the OISTAT booth.  Publishers could pay fees to be represented and OISTAT would be a “consolidator.” The PCC was especially interested in supporting this idea and looks forward to receiving Irena’s proposal.

Other Business
1.    Subventions:  Jerôme Maeckelbergh raised the possibility of approaching the EU for support for the magazines published by the many OISTAT Centres.  After brief discussion, the PCC members suggested that this was not a matter for their consideration and encouraged Jerôme Maeckelbergh to pursue funds from Culture 2000 (as an example) on his own behalf or in association with any other interested European OISTAT Centre.

2.    New Theatre Words:
a.    The PCC is delighted that New Theatre Words is being revised, but with the publication date still some two to four years in the future, expressed concern that it need to be reprinted NOW so that it remains available until the new version is ready.  If it is not possible to reprint it (the Swedish OISTAT Centre /STTF/ has the files), can a digital version be made available?  The Executive Committee needs to come to an understanding with Olle Söderberg about both a reprint and the new version.  Erik de Ruijter reported that Michael Ramsuer is having discussions with Olle Söderberg.  Members expressed concern that pirate versions might be distributed if the approved version is not reprinted. José Henrique Moreira (Brazil) reported that a Portuguese version is being created; he was urged by John Faulkner to follow the format of current versions and also to consider the distinctions between the Portuguese used in Brazil and Portugal. Moreira reported that his contacts in Portugal have been involved in discussions and that it is practical to work in teams.
b.    There will be three Chinese-based language versions available in future.
c.    Bobbi Owen moved, and Erik de Ruijter seconded a motion to ask the Secretariat to provide an inventory of all available versions to members of the PCC and all OISTAT Centres and consider the possibility of reprints.

Future meetings
Invitations to meet in Cyprus in 2008, YUSTAT in Belgrade (September 2008), and/or at World Stage Design in Korea in 2009 will be pursued by Irena Šentevska as she take over the role of Interim Chair.

The meeting adjourned at 11:55 a.m. after concerns were expressed and asked to be relayed to the OISTAT Executive Committee that too many meetings and event conflicts in Prague prevented interaction between OISTAT commissions and to respectfully request a schedule that allows more participation between and among groups.

Action Items:
•    Irena Šentevska, Vice-Chair, elected Interim Chair
•    Secretariat asked to provide an inventory of all available versions and editions of Theatre Words to the PCC and all OISTAT Centres, and to reprint those currently out of print, if possible.

Note: Irena Šentevska becomes interim chair replacing Erik de Ruijter. This leaves the position of vice-chair vacant.

Attached:  Current PCC Roster, Effective 1 July 2007

Publication and Communication Commission,
Membership Roster, Effective 1 July 2007

AUSTRIA, Mr. Günther Konecny, guenther.konecny@netway.at
AUSTRIA (alternate), Mr. Gerhard Berent, g.berent-oethg@aon.at
BELGIUM, Mrs. Rose Werckx, bastt@bastt.be:
BELGIUM  (alternate), Mr. Jerôme Maeckelbergh, heatermacker@pandora.be
BULGARIA, Ms. Kamelia Nikolova, amelian@hotmail.com
CHINA - HONG-KONG, Mr. Andy Tam, andytams@netvigator.com
CZECH REPUBLIC, Mr. Jaroslav Malina, daniela.parizkova@divadlo.cz
CUBA, Mr. Roberto Hugo Uriza Gomez, dprades@sierra.scu.sld.cu:
FINLAND, Mr. Timo Tuovila, timo.tuovila@operafin.fi:
FRANCE, Mr. Jean Chollet
GERMANY, Ms. Karin Winkelsesser, oistat@dthg.de
HUNGARY, Mr. Iván Szabó-Jilek, szjivan@axelero.hu
NETHERLANDS, Mr. Erik de Ruijter, ericderuijter@xs4all.nl
OISTAT, Mr. Gustaf Kull, gustaf@myself.com
PHILIPPINES, Mr. Ricardo Cruz, oy_ricardo@yahoo.com
PHILIPPINES (alternate), Mr. Rolando de Leon , rolliedl2000@yahoo.com
POLAND, Mr. Jacek Rybarkiewicz
ROMANIA, Mr. Nicolae Scarlat
SERBIA (Interim chair), Ms. Irena Šentevska, irenasentevska@gmail.com
SERBIA (alternate), Ms. Irina Ljubic, irina@yustat.org
SLOVENIA, Mr. Marko Gorjanc
SPAIN, Mr. Antonio Bueso, info@escenografia.org
SPAIN (alternate), Mr. Andreu Rabal, info@escenografia.org
SWEDEN, Mr. Olle Söderberg, olle.soderberg@vishaynobel.com
UNITED KINGDOM, Mr. John Faulkner, johnfaulkner20@hotmail.com
USA (recording secretary), Ms. Bobbi Owen, owenbob@unc.edu

Web working group: Mr. Jerôme Maeckelbergh (head); Andreu Rabal
Publication working group: Karin Winkelsesser (head); Eric de Ruijter

Updated September 2007